刘磊 博士,现任BWIN必赢数据科学与大数据技术系主任,讲师。主要研究大数据环境下的机器学习算法、深度学习算法、各种大数据分布式计算框架和自然语言处理,以及各种算法和计算框架在实际中的应用,例如电商平台搜索引擎、推荐系统,用户画像、聊天机器人、智慧教育等。
2004.09-207.07 郑州大学数学系学习,获硕士学位
2007.08-2008.08 德国凯泽斯劳滕工业大学数学系学习,获硕士学位
2008.08-2009.08 荷兰埃因霍芬理工大学数学与计算机科学学院学习,获硕士学位
2009.09-2013.07 荷兰埃因霍芬理工大学应用物理系学习,获博士学位
[1]Liu, L., Dijk, van, J., Thije Boonkkamp, ten, J.H.M., Mihailova, D.B. & Mullen, van der, J.J.A.M. (2013). The Complete Flux Scheme : error analysis and application to plasma simulation. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 250, 229-243.
[2]Liu, L., Mihailova, D.B., Dijk, van, J. & Thije Boonkkamp, ten, J.H.M. (2014). Efficient simulation of drift–diffusive discharges : application of the 'complete flux scheme'. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 23(1):015023
[3]Thije Boonkkamp, ten, J.H.M., Dijk, van, J., Liu, L. & Peerenboom, K.S.C. (2012). Extension of the complete flux scheme to systems of conservation laws. Journal of Scientific Computing, 53(3), 552-568.
[4]Peerenboom, K.S.C., Dijk, van, J., Thije Boonkkamp, ten, J.H.M., Liu, L., Goedheer, W.J. & Mullen, van der, J.J.A.M. (2011). Mass conservative finite volume discretization of the continuity equations in multi-component mixtures. Journal of Computational Physics, 230(9), 3525-3537.
[5]Thije Boonkkamp, ten, J.H.M., Liu, L., Dijk, van, J. & Peerenboom, K.S.C. (2015). Harmonic complete flux schemes for conservation laws with discontinuous coefficients. In A. Abdulle, S. Deparis, M. Picasso, F. Nobile & D. Kressner (Eds.), Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications 2013 (Proceedings ENUMATH'13, Lausanne, Switzerland, August 26-30, 2013) (pp. 95-103). (Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, No. 103). Cham: Springer.